Beauty is Truth, Truth beauty that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to  know.

These are the last two lines taken from the greatest masterpiece of Ode to an Grecian urn.
and these very verses are the final reality that anything that your heart adored or are praised for has beauty in it, as that of John Keats who fine found beauty in old urn that is kept there as a monument. He find beauty in it because it is the part of art.The way the Love chases his beloved is also an immortal one.It can never fade. Besides there was the scenery of nature that is also the same while in reality the couple and these all scenes were faded with the passage of time. But to him it become an immortal; the lover chases his beloved would never faded and this is his personal references of fanny brown.  And she is also finding escapism from him due to his deteriorating health.

According to people's point of view it is just an urn that is used to save ashes. If we work at the poet's point of view:
  • It is immortal piece of art.
  • Its beauty will never fade.
  • He presented a universal truth that an thing that seems good to you or attracts your inner eye is beautiful and has beauty in it. 
Keats being a great adorer or lover of nature wrote this commendable piece of literature on which a lot of criticism has done and became a major topic for discussion.  
